A pulmonologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of respiratory tract and the lungs. Pulmonologists treat a variety diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, pleural infections, COPD, lung cancers, pneumoconioses, and more. Pulmonologists also follow through with patients, especially lung cancer patients as the lung cancer incidence has not decreased while its prevalence has increased in the recent years.
How to Be a Pulmonary Doctor
- Get a bachelor's degree with pre-medicine classes
- Get into medical school; it'll take 4 years to finish
- Complete an ACGME accredited internal medicine residency program, which will take 3 years
- An addition of a minimum of 2 years of fellowship with patient contact and responsibility; the level of responsibility has to increase with each additional year of training. Some programs may require at least 3 years of fellowship on top of internal medicine residency years.
How Much Do Pulmonary Doctors Make
As of 2012, the median salary for pulmonologist is $263,000. Historical data shows about 16% of pulmonologist makes around $400,000, which is mainly due to accumulated years of experience. Unfortunately there is a gap between the salaries of male and female pulmonologist physicians; apparently there is a 30% increase in favor of male physicians.
The salary for pulmonologist varies based on the geographical region of the United States. Doctors in the Southwest part of America tend to make $212,000 as of 2012. Doctors in the West part of America tend to make the highest salaries with a mean of $296,900. That means there is a $86,000 increase in salary in Western America.
In the mid-Atlantic states which includes North Carolina, pulmonologist physicians make an average of $254,000. The high number is no surprise because North Carolina is known as the tobacco state, hence home of smokers. North Carolina would be a gold mine of pulmonologists.