How Much do Family Practice Doctors Make?
at Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The field of Family Practice is not really a competitive field in the United States. Most medical students avoid getting into the field because the money is not all that great compared to other specialties such as dermatology or radiology. Medical students have enormous piles of debt once they finish medical school so, they will choose the highest paying job in order to pay off their debt ASAP. Physicians consider Family practice field as the lowest ranking field; however, that’s about to change with the new healthcare plan set by President Obama. With the new nationalized healthcare plan there will be an additional 30 million people getting healthcare and the demand for primary care, specifically Family Practice doctors, are now needed.
How much do Family Practice doctors make?
From January 21, 2011 physicians get from $120,731 to $169,119. During residency, residents in family practice get a very handsome salary above other residents from other fields because the demand for primary care doctors are soaring. They get from $46,000 to up to $60,000 just for residency! And just like internal medicine family practice doctors makes a killing in the rural areas than in the urban areas.
How to be a Family Practice doctor after high school?
- 4 years of undergraduate work
- 4 years of medical school
- 3 years of residency
So yeah about 11 years just like internal medicine, and like internal medicine there are subspecialties which includes the following:
- Adolescent Medicine
- Geriatric Medicine
- Sleep Medicine
- Sports Medicine
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