How Much Money Do OB/GYN Doctors Make

Obstetrics and Gynecology
OB/GYN is the abbreviation for obstetrics and gynecology.  This is the specialty of medicine that focuses on everything related to the medical science of women and everything dealing with the women's body.  Now gentlemen, keep in your pants (LOL).

Pregnancy, child birth, and postpartum care.

Deals with the female reproduction, which includes the entire reproductive system of the female, including breast, sexuality, and family planning.

Obstetrics and gynecology overlap in most cases.  Doctors in those specialties usually practice both.  When it comes to caring for their patients, they usually do so in a long-term doctor-patient relationship.

OB/GYN doctors also do surgery procedures such as cesarean section and fibroid removal.  These doctors can work in either in a clinical setting or in a hospital setting.

There is unpredictability in the caring of patients due to the nature of the woman's body.  Therefore there is no set schedule.

How to be a OB/GYN Doctor
- Get a bachelor's degree with the pre-medicine criteria fulfilled (4 years).
- Get into medical school and get a Doctor of Medicine Degree (4 years).
- Get into an OB/GYN specialty (4 years).

So basically it'll take you 12 years to be a OB/GYN doctor.

How much do OB/GYN Make
OB/GYN residency offers a base salary from $45,000 to $60,000 based on the program.  Usually the more rural the program is the higher the salary. Or in some programs in New England states, the salary is much higher.

Obstetrics and Gynecology DoctorAfter completing residency, a fully licensed OB/GYN doctor makes in the range of $200,000 to $250,000.  From Medscape compensation report, it shows in 2005 the median income was $210,000.  In 2010 the median income was $225,000. According to the US Labor and Statistics, as of 2012, OB/GYN specialists make a median salary of $301,737 before taxes and malpractice insurance fees.  Since that's just the median salary, that means there is evidence of making more than that.  So the salary is increasing exponentially every year.

So if you plan to go into OB/GYN, just keep in mind that you will need to complete 12 years of schooling and training.  After residency you'll land with the potential of making more than one-third of a million dollars.

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