I got a hold of some of the phone numbers of people and realtors who are renting out places. Some may or may not rent out to students. But I suggest you call all of them to see if there are places available to rent since finding a place is the hardest part.
Kaya Amsterdam - +599 - 7172408
Harbor Village - +599 -7177500
Eden Beach - +599 -7176720
Bonaire Partners - +599 -7174545
Sunbelt Reality - +599 -7176560
Remax - +599 -7177362
Mellisa - +599 -7175519
Leonne - +599 - 786-1940
Daniella - +599 - 700-5373
Astrid - +599 - 785-6312
Deepak - +599 - 786-2002
Rina - +599 - 7864710
Marun - +599 - 7868939
Joe Chu - +599 - 7863612
Allen - +599 - 7862277
Natasha - +599 - 7862286
Cofi - +599 - 5614225
Elizabeth - 866-790-3333
Contact Numbers of Landlords and Realtors
at Saturday, May 08, 2010
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I start in september term. Do you think its a better idea if I go down there during summer to find a place to stay first or should I wait until 1 week before sept term stars to find a place?
Go exactly a week before school starts. Or what you can do is, if you have the financial means, get in contact with the current MD4s and ask them to book their place for you to their landlords so when they leave you'll get it right away. But you should go down there to make a deposit. The MD4s get done with their classes before the other classes.
A very helpful lady of Bonaire Housing helped me with an 1 bedroom apartment at a very decent price.
Her contact info is: +599 7175519 or website www.bonairehousing.com
I don't know how we get on this list, but we have one bedroom apartments within walking distance to the Hato Campus starting at $625.00 which includes fully furnished apts, cable tv, wireless internet and more. We also have a swimming pool on site and laundry facilities. You can contact us at hatoapartments@gmail.com or call 866-790-3333
@Elizabeth: I went to the new campus and I don't recommend students walking to the new campus with all the trees and bushes around. I recommend students with cars to rent at Hato.
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