The SGA of SJSM Anguilla Campus |
The SGA of SJSM Anguilla Campus |
Just write on ERAS you had financial trouble and that should be enough. It will be something directors will be concerned about but if you explain it on your application and also try to integrate it in your personal statement then it should be fine.
How I Matched: Getting into a Residency Program · 7 years ago
Hello Doctor, Can you shed some light on the repercussions of gaps in medical education, for instance I have a 3yr gap after AICM until the time I took my Step 1. During this gap I primarily worked full-time, to save up money and finish up my Degree. How does one go about addressing this on their...
How I Matched: Getting into a Residency Program · 7 years ago
Kaplan QBank can be used to start out to get the foundation but UWorld should be used because the questions are almost the same as the real test. What is ANKI?
Why not Kaplan Q bank?
and did you use ANKI?
when you say things like "don't be lazy and Google it", you are being judgmental, unnecessarily rude, and come off as a narcissist
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