I'm Finally in AICM Clinicals

Look ma, I’m updating my blog. Yeah I know I haven’t updated anything for a while. The reason is I’m finally in the rotation part of AICM and it’s taking so much of my time. Some say it’s a waste of time but you actually see what illness people have and you learn a lot from it. I already got on-call rotation and it’s hectic.

In rotation no one will hold your hand. As in, you can do whatever you want go where ever you want and no one will keep an eye on you. However, you have to have certain papers signed by doctors and residents at the end of the week and turn it in to the administration. We also have topics to write about and present it to our preceptors. On top of rotations we have to do USMLE QBank questions and it’s just so much to do at once.

On my call I did history of a patient with few of my colleagues. We asked questions regarding their health, chief complaint, social history, family history, etc.
Right now, it really does not matter which school you went to. I’m working with students from ROSS University, American University of Antigua Medical School, International American University Medical School, and several more. The greatest part is we’re working with these students from other schools and yet we’re paying for rotations at a cheaper price than them; I guess that’s what makes Saint James School of Medicine stand out.

Also, I’m also lucky to see my old senior students from SJSM. They know me from Bonaire so they help me out; they all passed the USMLE Step 1 so they help me out of what I need to do and where I need to go.

So far, I’m enjoying the clinical setting and this is it. We are finally here minus taking the Step 1 which I will be taking soon. And when I do sit down and study for it hard core then this blog will not be updated for a long period. If you send me any email after April then don’t expect any replies until I’ve taken the Step 1, sorry but I have to do this.

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