If you go on craigslist and you may see postings and think to yourself it’s too good to be true. For example, I saw a posting of a one bedroom apartment on 71st street for $550 with no security deposit. And it’s couple of minutes drive to Jackson Park Hospital. First of all, it’s not a scam, you really could get a place that cheap near the hospital; however, you are compromising your safety and the safety of your car. Any place near the hospital is dangerous. Unless your car is in a garage, you are most likely going to have your car broken into.
If you are taking public transportation, then it’s very important to go to the bus stop in groups; a group of 4 or 5 students is a good safe number. Muggers, even with a weapon, would not have the guts to mug anyone if they were in a group especially at night when you have on-call duty.
With this bad economy, plus Chicago being a very corrupt city, thieves are everywhere because they can’t get a job and they will hurt others to gain money. So for those who are settling in Chicago, be wise and choose a safe area even if you are far from the hospital.