Discrimination in Residency Program Candidate Selection

You thought as America being the leader of the free world, discrimination would be gone in a high-end profession such as medicine, but you're wrong.  I have spoken to several medical students in the past year and current residents and I just had to point out something to those who are looking into which residency programs to apply to.  Just because you have good USMLE scores and the residency programs accept IMGs doesn't really give you the green light to apply.  They also look at your skin color.

How to screen residency programs:

  • Do not randomly apply a residency programs from ERAS.  Go visit the residency program website and take a tour of the website.
  • Visit their current residents sections, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year residents.
  • First check to see if they have 1 or more IMGs among their residents.
  • And then check to see if those residency programs have non-Caucasian (non-white) people in that crowd. 
  • If there is not a single minority among the residency crowd, then put it as a red flag and do not waste your money applying to that program.  Chances are that if you are a minority, they may overlook you.  If you have good USMLE scores, then you may have a shot at an interview, but look at their selection of residents and judge for yourself if applying to that program is worth it.
I just gave you my two-cents.  I could be wrong but I went through many residency programs and I'm making a decision that would increase my chances of getting interviews.  Good luck to everyone.

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