Dental Service in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles

After one year of being diagnosed with a small degree of periodontal disease I went to a dentist to get my deep cleaning done. In America deep cleaning would require X-Ray, regular cleaning in 4 quadrants, and then deep cleaning in the 4 quadrants, the quote for a deep cleaning is around $1300. That’s expensive? Yeah you bet that’s why I prolonged my cleaning for this long. Here in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles everyone referred me to this dentistry practice ran by the Dutch doctor nearby our school. The x-ray scan and the deep cleaning of all four quadrants, which was slightly painful, cost me 250 NaFl; that’s about $142. 250 NaFl for everything is a deal compared to the overpriced quote from America. Right now my gums are tender and they are bleeding little by little but they’re clean. Everything in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles is overpriced but this service is a deal and the quality of service is the same as dental services in America. Let’s see what other bargains I can get out of this Dutch colony =P.

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